[luxury] fuckscape


[luxury] fuckscape
313 gallery
Jersey City, NJ
April 16 - May 15, 2016

Join Sam Pullin and Phil Hardy as they descend into frenzied dementia, navigating the simultaneous urge to reject and be embraced by the market. They just want to be loved, but in the confusion of mixed messages, an influx of conflicting demands: Be yourself, buy yourself. Be successful: Reappropriate and reproduce the images and ideas of the past half century. Get inducted into the art-world echo chamber. Snooze on a bed made of 100 dollar bills. Champagne shower every other day. No suffering required.

But in the age of subjectivity and selective vision generated through self-curated digital windows to the world, these men suffer perpetual sensory overload in an era of fragmenting narratives. The meaning of success loses form. The superficial and the superreal collide between them as they scramble through the fuckscape trying to make a dollar or two off the creative compulsivity that they once thought could enshrine humanity against the amorality and automatization of a post-human world.